average height of bathroom vanity

What Is a Bathroom Vanity Height For Your Comfort

Bathroom vanity – quite a popular thing that should be purchased in the bathroom. However, to determine the place where it is better to put it, sometimes on such an important aspect as trying to understand how high it should be.

If the vanity is not particularly high, then you risk a couple of weeks later to feel back pain, which will only get worse every day. On the other hand, if it is high, then those family members who are shorter (especially children) will have problems using it. So what is the standard vanity height of a bathroom?

The standard vanity height is 32″. However, current trends are more inclined to a more comfortable height of 36 and higher.

We have looked at this issue from all sides and collected information for you about the average vanity height in the bathroom and the different types and designs of such tables. In this article, you will learn how to choose the right dressing table for the bathroom, so that you are comfortable when using it.

Vanity Height

vanity height

Perhaps the dressing table is not the most important and functional part of the bathroom, but often incorrectly selected, this interior item can instantly ruin the most stylish design. In addition, the correct choice of table is also important for the correct ergonomics of the bathroom.

Many people will disagree with this statement, but the general rule is that much will depend on the standard bath vanity height. You need to find out what the height of your vanity is from the base to the sink, and then you need to correct the height from the floor so that the vanity becomes comfortable for you. A high dressing table will limit this space, and a small one will increase it.

Don’t Leave Any Space for Dusty Bunnies

bathroom vanity height

Choose a section of the bathroom that is far enough away from the main areas of active movement to place the dressing table. This area should also be located at a sufficient distance from the doors so as not to interfere with their opening. Do not forget to think about the time of cleaning: whether it will become a difficult task due to the location of the table.

If the table has doors that open outwards, consider in advance whether they will become a source of discomfort when open. Among other things, take into account all the details that the project will be located next to, for example, windows or mirrors, and especially cabinets and shelves – all this should be easily accessible and convenient to use.

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If the distance from your vanity to the floor is small, for example, six or seven inches, you can try changing your vanity. You can replace a true floater with a deep toe kick, so you will significantly reduce the space for collecting dust and dirt, respectively, make your bathroom cleaner.

This will play a big role if your dressing table is closed on all sides by walls. This way you will prevent the potential accumulation of dust, and at the same time make it a convenient and invisible addition. Put a deep toe kick eight inches from the front of the dressing table and it is unlikely to be noticed.

If you want to highlight the floating aspect of your vanity, then placing strip lighting under the vanity is a great idea for bathroom design and highlighting the space around it.
Here you can also read about the cost of bath fitter and other bath accessories.

Other Factors Of Bathroom Vanity Height

average height of bathroom vanity

Naturally, you should not only take into account the typical bathroom vanity height, you need to take into account the height of the shell itself. If you are building a new home and are going to install a vanity, you will have more scope to set up a place for your vanity.

In an old house that already houses outlets and all the plumbing, you will need to consider their placement and overall layout when you decide to place a vanity.

How do I choose a place to place vanity around existing plumbing? There is a great way:

  1. Take a sheet of paper that has the same height and width as the table.
  2. We glue it with tape to your chosen place for the table.
  3. We look around the sheet behind it, mentally calculating what and how will fit perfectly into this space.
  4. If the place does not fit, we move the sheet until we find the perfect place to fit everything. Imagine how we brush our teeth or wash in the morning, make sure that the height is chosen optimally.
  5. Mark the marker around the paper on the wall, then remove the paper.

If the area of the room is small, then you should think carefully and measure the dimensions of the table and the room before you go shopping. The installed table should not only prevent the normal movement of the household but also should not interfere with the opening and closing of the bathroom door.

In addition, direct proximity to the washbasin or bath (and, consequently, with water splashes) can damage the decorative coating and disable the product before time.

How Tall is a Bathroom Vanity

standard bathroom vanity height

In modern construction, it is customary to install a cabinet about 32 inches, taking into account legroom and countertops. However, over the past couple of years, many builders have preferred to choose taller cabinets to make your furniture practical and comfortable to install vanity if it is required in the bathroom.

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How High is a Comfort Average Height of Bathroom Vanity

standard vanity height

The bathroom counter height these days is about 36 inches, give or take a couple of inches. The kitchen table is usually set to the same height. This height is not just called comfortable. According to research, most people will be able to safely handle a countertop of this height. It is convenient for both brushing your teeth and washing your face in the morning because you will avoid strong slopes so that you can reach your sink.

Are There Other Standard Bathroom Vanity Height Available?

average vanity height

There is no exact answer to this question. You can, of course, choose a different height, the modern market provides a huge number of options. But the best solution is to order furniture that will be tailored specifically for you. The main thing is not to make a mistake when ordering height so that you do not regret the uncomfortable furniture in the bathroom.

Why Are Some Height of Bathroom Vanity So Short

how tall is a bathroom vanity

Usually, the vanity of the bathroom is set at a standard height for bathroom vanity of no more than thirty-two inches, so that your children or the children of your relatives can easily reach the sink to wash their hands. A child can do this with a bath vanity height 36 inches high, but then you will have to install a special step stool next to it.

But even in this case, washing hands and brushing teeth can cause inconvenience for a small child. So if you want your children to have no difficulty using the sink in the bathroom, set the vanity lower. So you will save yourself from the constant movement of the stool, which also takes up space in the room and prevents you from being in it with comfort.

Another reason why you should put the vanity low is that someone in your household moves around the house in a wheelchair. There are special toilet tables for the bathroom, which you can choose so that people with limited movement can safely use the sink and do not experience annoying discomfort.

Examples of Bathroom Vanity

  1. Run Fine Vanity

This is a fairly small vanity that has an average height of 34 inches. It’s not as small as its 32-inch counterparts, but it might suit you better than the 36-inch-tall vanity. Therefore, it is worth looking at the choice of this dressing table for the bathroom.

  1. Aria Vanity

This vanity has a standard comfortable vanity cabinet height of 36 inches, which is similar to the height of a typical kitchen countertop. This height will allow you to use things on the table and sink more comfortably, maintaining your correct posture and preventing back pain.

  1. Kulu TR Series Vanity

Despite the height of 34 and a half inches, this vanity table will still be comfortable, for those who 36 inches is too much, and 32 is too little. For a children’s bathroom, it is unlikely to suit you, but it will look good in the main bath.

  1. Design House Vanity
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This small table is shorter than the accepted standards for dressing tables in the bathroom. It is only 31 and a half inches high. This is not the most comfortable height for adults, but if your home has a bathroom for children, it will fit perfectly into its environment.

  1. Simply Home Vanity

This is vanity for those who will need a floating vanity because it is raised above the floor. Together with the legs, its height is almost 35 inches. It doesn’t quite fit traditional height standards, but it’s much more convenient than low-height tables.

  1. Floating Vanity

This vanity table is a great wall option; its height is 20 inches. You can attach it to any height that is convenient for you, which makes it a fairly flexible option. Adjust it to your household, and use the dressing table in the bathroom with great comfort.

  1. Kingran Double Vanity

This dressing table is double, it has many options for its placement, it can be raised above the floor with the help of legs if you need a place under it. The table itself is about 30 inches high, the sink adds another five inches to this, and we end up with almost 35 inches of total height. This does not meet the accepted standards of comfort, but since the main thing for us is that everyone can reach the sink without harming the back, it is a great choice for an adult of average height.

  1. Double Wall Mount

This dressing table is mounted on the wall and has two sinks. Despite its small height of 20 and a half, it is necessary in order that it can be conveniently placed on the wall. The vanity itself does not assume a place to store a large number of things, but it comes with a bathroom cabinet height that is designed for this purpose. It will solve your problems with storing any number of items.

Due to the wide range of dressing tables for the bathroom in the modern market, you can easily choose the right one for yourself. Standard bathroom cabinet height should be about 36 inches tall to fit almost any adult perfectly, or 32 inches tall if you have children and a special children’s bathroom. Despite this, there are many options to choose a different height based on your personal preferences, from typical vanity height to wall options.

Video: How to Make a Wall-Mounted Bathroom Vanity

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